Safety and Health

At Energest, we are determined to provide a safe and healthy environment for our employees, subcontractors, customers, and visitors.

Efficient health and safety management is based on good business principles and must underlie goal setting and decision making.

The objectives of safety and health at work are consistent with the established Policy and the commitment to continuous improvement. All Energest´s activities are subject to a systematic approach, designed to reduce and control risks, with the aim of preventing occupational incidents, accidents, injuries and illnesses.

To achieve this goal, we assume the following commitments:


Encourage and motivate employees to ensure their safety, identify and communicate all non-safety situations

Provide training, education, information and resources.

Minimize the risks to people and installations that may arise from the development of their activities,

Recognize the safety in work as an influential and essential part of everyone´s performance.

Comply with the legislation about safety and health at work

Ensure that the management of safety and health at work carried out by subcontractors and suppliers, is in accordance with this policy.

No situation or urgency of services can justify compromising someone´s integrity of life.

The success of our policy depends on the commitment of each one of us.